Mar 28, 2014
Join Larry Jordan and co-host Michael Horton as they talk with:
Andrew Kowalchuk, Technical Supervisor, Banger Films, Inc.
One of the challenges of working with older footage is getting it to look great. “Super Duper Alice Cooper,” a documentary from Banger Films used Teranex extensively to convert old film and...
Mar 21, 2014
Join Larry Jordan and co-host Michael Horton as they talk with:
Sean Safreed, Co-Founder, Red Giant
Sean Safreed, Co-Founder at Red Giant announced Universe last week. An online community providing visual effects and training; both free and via subscription. We learn more about why this is so important in this week’s...
Mar 14, 2014
Join Larry Jordan and co-host Michael Horton as they talk with:
John Swanbeck, Writer/Director/Producer, BlueSwan Films
Continuing our look at the craft of acting, John Swanbeck, Writer/Director/Producer of “The Big Kahuna,” tells us “How to Steal the Scene and End Up Playing the Lead”. (It’s his new book now...
Mar 7, 2014
Join Larry Jordan and co-host Michael Horton as they talk with:
John Putch, Director/Writer/Producer, Putch Films
Director/Writer/Producer John Putch shares an insider’s view of how “the system” treats indie films
John Tkaczewski, Co-Founder/President, FileCatalyst
John Tkaczewski, Co-Founder and President of...