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Digital Production BuZZ

Dec 30, 2011

We have an amazing year-end show for you this week! Join Larry Jordan and Michael Horton as they look back at 2011 with:

Philip Hodgetts, CEO, Intelligent Assistance

Philip Hodgetts, President of Intelligent Assistance returns to the BuZZ for our annual look back at the past year and his patented crystal ball...

Dec 23, 2011

Join Larry Jordan and Michael Horton as they talk with:

Simon Walker, Colorist and Trainer

Colorist and trainer, Simon Walker, has released “Master Artists for Looks 2,” a collection of painterly pre-sets that will have your images looking like they were created by a true genius. We speak with Simon about the...

Dec 16, 2011

Join Larry Jordan as he talks with:

Arun Chaudhary, Former White House Videographer

What’s it like, being the official videographer for the Obama White House? This week, we talk with Arun Chaudhary who, for four years, was the official videographer inside the Obama White House. He shares his stories, his techniques,...

Dec 9, 2011

Join Larry Jordan and Michael Horton as they talk with:

Jim Sherhart Senior Director, Product Marketing, Drobo

Drobo first became known for its friendly, expandable, RAID-protected storage. Now, they are creating an ecosystem of applications revolving around storage and the Cloud. Jim Sherhart, Senior Director of...

Dec 2, 2011

Join Larry Jordan as he talks with:

John Buck Editor and Author, “Timeline: A History of Editing”

We often get so caught up in the “new” and “now,” that we forget that it grew out of what was in the past. John Buck has been an editor since he needed a way to cut his Super 8mm movies for screening in a...